Located at the heart of the medieval city centre of Utrecht, the University of Humanistic Studies is a small denominational university that is explicitly inspired by humanist traditions. Our research and education focus on contemporary issues concerning meanings of life and worldviews, and on building a humane society.
Humanistic Studies is a multidisciplinary science that draws on various disciplines that are used in conjunction whenever appropriate. These disciplines are philosophy, ethics, psychology, education, sociology, history, religious studies, and philosophy of science and scientific methodology.
Since its establishment in 1989, the university has been active in the field of social, ethical and worldview-related scientific research. It also supports the practical application of the knowledge acquired through this research. It educates creative and critical professionals and takes an active position as a participant in social debates. Despite its relatively small size, the university has managed to carve its own unique niche.
Currently around 550 regular students are enrolled at the University in a Bachelor, Master or pre-Master programme of Humanistic Studies, or in the Master programme of Care Ethics and Policy. These programmes are (so far) largely offered in Dutch. Some courses are taught in English and open to exchange students. The University also offers doctorate programmes in the graduate school.
Graduates find jobs in diverse sectors of society. They work as a coach or humanist counsellor in care institutions, the army or the penitentiary sector, or as teachers of worldviews and morality, or sociology. Many also work as a consultant, policy worker or researcher in civic, academic and commercial organisations or in policy-making institutions.